Travel Advertising: See Campaign Results Fly

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Travel Advertising

Compared to social, native ads in premium environments are:

+24% more likely to lead to purchase

How is the industry evolving?

While last year marked a return to form for travel, 2023 is poised to be an even more promising year for the industry. In fact, the global tourism industry projects for a 20% increase in earnings, with a 30% boost in global tourism arrivals expected globally.*

Despite global economic uncertainty, people are looking to make up for the lack of travel over the past two years, with 50% of global travelers planning to immerse themselves in entirely new cultural experiences in 2023.*

In addition, increased remote work opportunities has made digital nomadism bigger than ever before, with 43.3% of the total global workforce expected to be remote workers.*

That said, travelers will take it one step further this coming year, with meaningful changes to the way they travel. For example, 63% of travelers will be smarter with their bookings by prioritizing deals, discounts, and loyalty programs.*

Protecting the planet is another consideration that is top-of-mind, as 69% of consumers plan to make more sustainable travel choices in the year ahead.5

Moreover, 30% are keen to visit lesser-known cities with hidden gems that aren’t already on their list.6

Source: TravelDailyMedia, 2022 | MediaRadar, 2023 | Expedia, 2023 | Home, 2023 | Bokun, 2022 | Booking, 2022

How has spending on advertising changed over time?

The travel industry anticipates a 20% increase in digital ad spend for the year ahead, *as consumers continue the trend of using digital channels to plan and book their trips. Studies also suggest that travelers can visit up to 38 sites before finalizing their itinerary, *making it necessary for brands to capture consumer attention on the open web. Doing so, brands can reach a wider audience, build brand recognition, and engage potential customers at multiple touchpoints throughout their journey.

Source: Insider Intelligence, 2022 | Expedia, 2015

Travel enthusiasts are just as likely to learn of a new brand via the open web (31%) vs. social media (32%).

Source: GWI, 2022

Compared to the average vacation planner, millennials who intend to travel are 25% more likely to plan a city trip.

Source: GWI, 2022

European travelers, especially those in Italy (60%), Germany (64%), and Spain (70%) prefer to pay more for eco-friendly experiences compared to other parts of the world.

Source: GWI, 2022

CNN is the top news service that travel enthusiasts engage with online for articles, videos, and news stories.

Source: GWI, 2022

How to get started with supermarket advertising

By leveraging effective marketing strategies, travel brands can successfully engage their audience at every stage of the buyer journey.


How to increase awareness

Your audience isn't only reading the travel section. High-intent audiences can also be those interested in automotive, lifestyle, sports, finance, and other category content. The best ads at this stage catch traffic and inspire, for example blog posts with top-10 destination listings or top-10 products for travelers. Images and videos are also an effective way to spotlight your destination or service and get people to start taking interest in a journey with your brand.

Key KPIs:

Viewability, video views, CTR

Case Studies

How to engage your audience

Promote earned media like an exceptional hotel review or stamp of excellence, show a video reel of that perfect cityscape, or captivating image that's worth a thousand words. The goal at this stage is to provide content that people will remember, and show how your brand or service can fit into their life, encouraging them to learn more and see the full picture. Celebrities and other high-profile individuals can be used in campaigns to help promote that destination or product.

Key KPIs:

Engaged Visits, Landing Rate, Time Spent

Case Studies

How to convert

Now that you've tapped into the emotions of your audience, give your travel campaign the boost it needs to drive conversions and bookings by promoting your offers and discounts, while instilling urgency for travelers to act quickly in order to gain an incentive for that limited time period.

Key KPIs:

Sales, ROAS, Downloads/Registrations, CPA

Case Studies

Travel Ads Best Practices


Leverage privacy-safe data signals, such as location and weather, to increase relevancy and engagement when reaching your audience.


Video taps into the emotional experience of traveling for consumers and showcases the experience being offered.


Leverage blog content on top travel destinations to create interest. For conversion goals, show an experience with discount offers and easy ways to book. Align with your audience’s values (credibility, eco-friendly, etc.) to stand out.

Building or diversifying media mix

One, two, or even three channels is often not enough for a robust marketing campaign. While the content of your ad is important, where you advertise says just as much about your brand among consumers.

Compared to social, native ads in premium environments are:

44 more trusted
21 more clicked on
24 more likely to lead to purchase

It's simple for marketers to adapt their existing assets to the open web, safeguard their brand, and maximize ROAS in the process.

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